Can almost anyone learn to set up a Cartridge?

I continue to look for a plug and play only because I do not know how and really have no idea what so ever on how to set up a cartridge. Is this something a novice can learn and do with the manual that is supplied with the TT or cartridge? Do I purchase set up aids of one sort or another?
I want to use a MC cartridge and it seems when ever I find something I have a interest in it has a MM mounted or no cartridge at all.
Just six months ago my wife has now allowed me to change light bulbs, so I think I am ready to take that next step and be able to mount my own cartridge.
Ok fellows, be gentle, I am not a young buck, but I am eager to learn.
Only you young guys have the luxury of not having to set up a cartridge. Years ago if you wanted to listen to music of your choice, you had to set up a cartridge.

Since the cutting head cuts at a prescribed angle and tracks straight across the record, if you want to get all of the information off the record, you have to as much as possible follow the path of the cutting head. If you carefully follow the tonearm and cartridge instructions and listen for the impact on music of tracking weight, VTA, anti-skating, and azmuth, you will be rewarded with great reproduction of the recording. All of this does require patience.
do yourself a favor and invest $20 here. makes alignment and azimuth setting about as simple as it gets.

good luck!
Thank you for the reply's to my question. They are all appreciated. I feel in reading these it is something I can even do.
Thank Again,
you might want to get a cheapo used cartridge to practice with.....small mistakes can cost a LOT of money...