Comparison of Elrod, shunyata, and NBS powercords

Recently I have had the opportunity to compare the Elrod Sig2, Elrod Statement, Shunyata Anaconda VX, NBS Black Label, and ESP Essence pcs separately on a SET amp, tube preamp, and modified SACD player.

My system:

custom built 2A3 SET with Audio Note Kageki transformer

AN M-8 preamp

Sony XA-777es with Modwright Absolute Truth modification

NBS Black Label ics, scs

SAP J2001 twin speakers (horn/Jensen Onken tuning,102dB)

Hydra-8/Statement II (for preamp and Sony)

Hydra Classic/Elrod sig 3 (SET amp)

two dedicated, upgraded 20amp circuits

My laboratory is a small, wood-panelled library where my wife lets me do my thing. I enjoy listening to music mostly late at night and/or very early in the am. My musical preferences include acousic guitar (Jim Hall, Charlie Byrd, Joe Pass), bass players (Ray Brown, Christian McBride), female vocalists (Ella, Sarah Vaughn, Cassandra Wilson) and some classical music (mostly chamber and choral). Several years ago I got into high end stereo through my HT system. I have evolved to enjoying music almost exclusively through my separate 2ch system. I prefer a warm rich sound to a ultra detailed experience. I have gained a lot of knowledge from the smart people on audiogon and AA, for which I am grateful . All the pcs were broken in and all were tried one component at a time. My comments are IMHO, FWIW, IMHO, etc.

Overall, surprisingly all the pcs were musical and the differences were mostly subtle. I spent part of a weekend comparing the pcs separately on the amps, preamp and the Sony. Also surprisingly to me, differences were most marked on the preamp and least on the amps.

Essence ESP (from my HT system,retail about $400): excellent sound, moderately articulate , good air, and bass. Not as black a background as the more expensive pcs, but not that far off.

Elrod Signature 2 (from my 2 ch system, retail $1600): superb pc, great on all three components. I am not as literate as others I have read, but what I heard was excellent weight, projection as air, and soundspace.
On excellent recordings, you could feel the visceral punch of the music. The bass was excellent, but not as articulate as the Anaconda or NBS. However, the bass seemed more realistic. Best on the amp and Sony.

Shunyata Anaconda VX (to be used on my EMM Lab CDSD transport-arrival 4/04, retail $1995). The closest competitor to the elrod sig 2. Also superb sounding with a creamy smoothness that is seductive. Very articulate across the frequency range, especially the bass. I could happily put this pc on the source or preamp. I preferred the Sig-2 on the amp. The most flexible and pliable of all the pcs (a really significant factor in my small room or with light-weight components.

Elrod Statement II (usually on the preamp, retail $2700) This is the largest and most awkward of the pcs I tried. Not surprisingly similar to the Sig-2, but with more weight and air. However, the difference was not significant on the amp. Where this pc really shone was on the preamp ( the best of all the pcs here.) Lots of air, superb staging/imaging with incredibly black background. Did not distinguish itself on the Sony.

NBS Black Label (borrowed from local dealer/friend, retail $5000.) The most well rounded of the pcs, although not quite as much air as the Elrods. Very relaxed and laid-back with deep and articulate bass. However, I did not prefer its sound. The most stiff and unwieldy of the pcs, I could not even get it to stay on the Sony. It was probably a little bit better that the Sig-2/ Anaconda, but not as satisfying as the Statement.

This was an enlightening exercise. None of the pcs significantly changed the musicality of the system. They refined it in subtle and different ways. Also in general the pricier pcs were somewhat less colored, but in my experience it was not a linear relationship. This showed me that I do not have to spend any more time or money worrying about pcs. Clearly pcs are important, but a well made pc does not have to be the most expensive one.

Thank you for your time and input


ps out of curiosity, I also compared plugging the amp pcs directly into the wall vs the hydra. in every case, the hydra was preferable, with no limiting of dynamics.
Thanks for the review. I always wanted to hear the differeneces betweent he Elrods, Shunyatas and the NBS cables.

Happy Listening.
Yes, thank you for this. Now I would like to know why the Elrod signature II affected the Sony and the Statement did not "distinguish" itself there. Maybe David knows. The other big surprise was that the statement was not a big step over the signature on the amp. I wonder if that would hold true of a different perhaps high current power hungry amp (you know your basic class A bazillion watt space heater). I thank you again for this report and would love it if it could be taken a step further to test with a few different amps and perhaps some other sources and pre-amps. The other thing I really want to know someday is if you have very good power, such as balanced power via equi-tech, or regenerated power (and LOTS of it), how much a difference the great power cords make. I did a balanced power system and found that the power cords made a very slight difference once I did that, not nearly as significant as when I used them out of regular outlets.
it would have been good if you had thrown a stock power cord in with your test also, as the control group...