Should you use cleaner on your stylus?

I am hearing two diferent arguments on cleaning my stylus, I have a CA Aurum Beta S Mk. 2 MM cartridge on a JMW9 TA and 2 grams of pressure:
1) Should I use a cleaner, and if so what one?
2) What is the best stylus brush to use? Brand name please.
3) How often (hours of use) should I clean it, based on relatively clean LP's
It depends on whether hou have a hollow tube cantilever (NO) or a solid cantilever (OK, if you want to). Go to the forum search and type in "stylus cleaning" in the search window. Then select either 'match exactly' or 'match all words' and click "search". You'll probably find everything you want to know -- it's a popular topic :~)
IMO, The best stylus cleaner costs $2.69 US for a lifetime supply. It's Mr Clean Magic Eraser. It looks like white styrofoam and you use it dry. Some users cut off a little cube and stick a toothpick in the cube. Others glue a cube to a coin and lower the arm lift into the cube. It's the best thing since sliced bread. Check stylus with a scope before and after. The stylus has never been cleaner. Go to AA and search Mr. Clean for rave reviews. I use it on my Clearaudio Virtuoso and Dynavector 10x5. It sounds too good to be true but it works great.

It's Mr Clean Magic Eraser.
Yes Sir thats the one for me.

Check it out, many are now using the Magic Eraser with great results!!
OK I'll try the Mr. Clean, but have any of you Mr. Clean users also used the Zerodust? It gets my stylus immaculate and it's a soft gel-like material. Why would Mr. Clean be a better choice?