Purist Audio & Stereophile

I often wonder why Purist (particularly Dominus) never rate a mention in their recommended interconnects/speaker cables when they wax absolutely lyrical about Nordost, Harmonic Tech, Synergistic, etc,(even Radio Shack get a mention)and other cables that I (and obviously others on this forum) think are blown away by Purist, especially Dominus.
Any thoughts?
Dark to me means bass-heavy, sometimes to the point that midrange color gets lost and everything takes on a rather heavy dark shading, sopranos included. It can easily be heard via shifts in voice timbre. Warm usually equates to emphasis in the upper bass, low mids.
Flex, having heard the Dominus for a period of time I can say without reservation that your statement could not be more wrong. When I auditioned Dominus the bass was as tight and fast as I have ever heard. There was no bloat or bloom to it.

I have a friend who has speakers that I think have a somewhat bloated bass, he has used Purist cables almost exclusively for years. Every time I have heard his system after he has upgraded to a better Purist cable the bass is better, much more taut and explosive.

Dominus is the most neutral cable I have heard. I wish I could afford it, because I would gladly replace all of the Purist cables I own with Dominus. I wrote a review of my experience if you would like to read it.
I may be wrong, but didn't one of the Stereophile writers mock the Purist Audio RLS cables because they used a light in the cable. I thought I remember reading a sarcastic comment about shining a flashlight at your cables to accomplish the same thing.
I was very sorry to read that some companies have been threatened with negative posts by members here and elsewhere. This is simply extortion, and I hope the companies consider forwarding such mail to the moderators for action.
Which posts are you referring to Tobias? This thread seems to me to be as neutral as threads get.. just speculation on magazine reviewing and reasons?