Should you use cleaner on your stylus?

I am hearing two diferent arguments on cleaning my stylus, I have a CA Aurum Beta S Mk. 2 MM cartridge on a JMW9 TA and 2 grams of pressure:
1) Should I use a cleaner, and if so what one?
2) What is the best stylus brush to use? Brand name please.
3) How often (hours of use) should I clean it, based on relatively clean LP's
Bought a box of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser "Duo" before reading Doug's note about chemicals contained therein. Checked the Mr. Clean website, and it appears the only difference between the Original model and the Duo is the absorbent blue layer. Will it be OK to use the white portion of the pad?
Yes, use the white portion only. Do not use the blue. Also, do not wet the white part, to clean the stylus you use it dry.
Haaaaa! I even found a link where you can have a free sample sent to you. Don't even have to go to the supermarket anymore, and no cash out of your pocket. This may be the most effective, cheapest tweak yet! It should be posted on Enjoy the Music.

Len Gregory The Cartridgeman (makes the fine Music Maker MM)
recommends cleaning with fluid judiciously to avoid drying out the internal mechanism, but with a dry brush before each play.