Should you use cleaner on your stylus?

I am hearing two diferent arguments on cleaning my stylus, I have a CA Aurum Beta S Mk. 2 MM cartridge on a JMW9 TA and 2 grams of pressure:
1) Should I use a cleaner, and if so what one?
2) What is the best stylus brush to use? Brand name please.
3) How often (hours of use) should I clean it, based on relatively clean LP's
I use Doug's Magic Eraser, with a followup of LP#9, just to get the solvent from the Magic Eraser fully off the stylus, since it is a solvent that will not evaporate.

Works like a charm. BTW, Shasta, I've had LP#9 bottles that have lasted me 3 years, cleaning every side, with 2 to 3 hours of vinyl play per day.

What's that work out to? A little over $8 per year? Not bad in my humble opinion.
Jes45, If your Mr. Clean is leaving a solvent, then you may be using it incorrectly. Do not use it WET. It is supposed to be used DRY. It is not solvent that cleans the stylus but the dry micro-fibres that grab the diamond. After using the dry Mr. Clean, brush with a soft brush to remove any fibres that may have been left on the cartridge. Liquid stylus cleaners are not needed.
Thommas is 99.44% correct.

A dry, white MCME can in fact release solvents, but only at temperatures above its flash point.

If your Magic Eraser bursts into flames during stylus cleaning you may be rubbing too hard, and residual solvents shouldn't be your first concern.
Thanks to Doug / Paul for the MCME system.
I am currently using the MCME on each side followed by a brushing front to back and then a dip into the Zerodust.
I find that the Zerodust takes off even more black junk when used as a follow up after using the MCME. The whole process takes almost no time (pretty much the time that my table takes to get up to speed).