Dear David: Very nice audio system, especially the Living Voice speakers.
First, your cartridge don't have and can't have that extra " little oomph ", that you are looking for.
Second, you don't need an MC transformer. The Clearaudio gain is enough for the 26db gain of your Premier 17.
Third, your Aleph 3 has only 20db of voltage gain. So you need to push the Premier volume. That's all.
Fourth, your Premier 17 is a high output impedance one. So you need to check with Conrad Johson which will be the best match cable for this preamp. Now, the Koetsu had a soft sound and your Premier too, maybe is too " much of the same " .
+++++ " The Kondo is out of my price range, " +++++. Thank God is out of your budget. Please, do it you a favor: don't use any additional stepup transformer: any SUT do a heavy degradation on the signal that comes from your cartridge. Period.
My advise is that try to test another cartridge like: Shelther 90X, Sumiko Celebration, Van denHul Grasshooper IV, Transfiguration Temper W, etc.... All these cartridges have that extra oomph that you are looking for.
Regards and enjoy the music.