More output from Analog set up, MC Transformer?

I am pretty happy with my set up of Origin Live Oasis S/Illustrious/ Koetsu Rosewood Signature into a Clearaudio Reference phono stage, Conrad johnson Premier 17, Pass labs Aleph 3, Living Voice Avatar speakers, cabling is Acoustic Zen. i am happy with it, but the Clearaudio is rated at 57db of gain and the CJ needs the wick cranked up to 50 to 60/100 for a good output.
The koetsu is rated at .6mv of gain, I am not convinced, I feel it is probably lower. The sound lacks a little oomph. The set up is detailed and polite and that's the way I like it, but the analog sound is a little too polite. I do'nt want to change the basic set up, it makes a great sound, but do you think an MC transformer would give the sound a bit more grunt, if so which? Presumably I only need 10 to 20db of extra gain. Am I completely on the wrong track, looking to a transformer to improve things? Thanks for any advise
The trannies Bent uses are very good (Stevens & Billington).

Are you sure the cartridge loading is correct? I assume you've already tried a higher setting, etc, but thought I'd mention it.
Dear David: Very nice audio system, especially the Living Voice speakers.

First, your cartridge don't have and can't have that extra " little oomph ", that you are looking for.

Second, you don't need an MC transformer. The Clearaudio gain is enough for the 26db gain of your Premier 17.

Third, your Aleph 3 has only 20db of voltage gain. So you need to push the Premier volume. That's all.

Fourth, your Premier 17 is a high output impedance one. So you need to check with Conrad Johson which will be the best match cable for this preamp. Now, the Koetsu had a soft sound and your Premier too, maybe is too " much of the same " .

+++++ " The Kondo is out of my price range, " +++++. Thank God is out of your budget. Please, do it you a favor: don't use any additional stepup transformer: any SUT do a heavy degradation on the signal that comes from your cartridge. Period.

My advise is that try to test another cartridge like: Shelther 90X, Sumiko Celebration, Van denHul Grasshooper IV, Transfiguration Temper W, etc.... All these cartridges have that extra oomph that you are looking for.

Regards and enjoy the music.
"any SUT do a heavy degradation on the signal that comes from your cartridge. Period."


Listening is the only count not spech !!

My Xono has a MM/MC and when i use Step Up to the MM,it's much better than directly to the MC. It's not just better,MUCH better !
Dear Audio999: +++++ " Listening is the only count not spech. " +++++

I already try/test at least ten of the best SUT ever made, including Expressive technologies.
Any one of them can't give a better QUALITY sound reproduction. It is imposible to do that for a SUT. This is not spech.

What you have is an easy handle ( more gain ) of the signal by the preamp. So you have more quantity but no better QUALITY. Please don't mix up. Use common sense.

If you need to use a SUT, this fact does not " say " it's better. You are degrading the quality sound reproduction on your system.

Please don't insist about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear David: I forgot: the Aleph 3 is a Mosfet input/output design, it is in the " soft " side sound reproduction, too.

I confirm my advise: try other cartridges, including the Clearaudio Discovery.

Regards and enjoy the music.