Technics A10 DVD digital output options

Can anyone who used this player with and outboard DAC comment on it performance with DVD-A? Looking to get one to mate with my Levinson 360S DAC. Two entirely different classes of equipment, I know, but a Stereophile reviewer used one when DVD-A was new. He may still. I just don't want to go out and buy a player for such a limited format( so far anyway). I have a great transort for CD and SACD so I'm not really concerned with those formats with regard to this player. Thanks.
Well, I still have those components but I have not had the A10 in the system for a while now. The A10 is built very well, much better than one expects for the prices it went for at the end. I have no idea what a used on goes for.

If I have time this weekend, I'll haul it out and run it through the Meridian 861 as the Levinson is in my other house.
Dvd-audio is analog output, maybe I don't understand. I do have that player.


This player and most disk players have digital outputs so you can use an outboard DAC. The DAC's used in a lot of players are less than optimal sonically, especially in mass market units like the Technics. Fortunately the digital output option gives owners a chance to upgrade the digital side as technology improves. Since you have an A10, you might consider just getting a different DAC instead of a whole new player next time you get the upgrade bug.