Technics A10 DVD digital output options

Can anyone who used this player with and outboard DAC comment on it performance with DVD-A? Looking to get one to mate with my Levinson 360S DAC. Two entirely different classes of equipment, I know, but a Stereophile reviewer used one when DVD-A was new. He may still. I just don't want to go out and buy a player for such a limited format( so far anyway). I have a great transort for CD and SACD so I'm not really concerned with those formats with regard to this player. Thanks.
Hey Dave,

You remember correctly regarding the re-master function and using the multi-channel outputs. Actually, the cold steely sound isn't much of a sound but a feel. And it endures in my systems for days even after the DVDA10 has been removed from the system. I suspect it is a PSU problem. I've played with the re-master, which is a memory buffer, on and off, and it does sound better with the re-master off like you said. So, I used to play with the re-master off.

You say this "steely" sound of the A10 lasts for days after it's removed from the system. I don't understand. You refer to a PSU problem. What's that?

You know, I just know what I hear.feel. There is a cold steel feel in my system whenever the A10 is connected to it. I don't know why. I just surmise it can be the power suppy of the A10. However, I gave in lastnite and hooked the A10 up. And, there isn't as much of that steel feel anymore. Maybe it is cause I got it hooked up to an AudioMagic Stealth via a powercable with ferrite on it.

On a side note, Parasound's service department isn't too good. All I want is a replacement IEC socket for my Parasound CD player. They can't even get that straigthen out in less than two days. The "Timmy" guy has an anemic defensive attitude too (this means he sounds sleepy while being defensive about the quality of his work). I hope he gets some sleep over the weekend.
Yeah, I've dealt with Parasound once to ask them a question about my A21. I was just interested in knowing the differences between it and the JC1's because I wanted to know if it were possible to modify the amp with JC1 parts. His manner was like that of a lot of people in this business. A kind of lazy and snotty, like I was an idiot to ask and clearly wasting his valuable time. Funny, the dealer who sold it to me didn't think that way. BTW, have you ever used the A10 as a transport with an outboard DAC? Sogood's comment on this has got me worried since I just bought one and it's in transit. His comment about DVD-A goes against a few other sources including Stereophile. Thanks.
Actually, I am using the A10 as a transport right now. I've been using the Parasound CDP2000Ultra as a transport feeding a Nixon Dackit. The Parasound is out of commission until Timmy can send me an AC socket. But, yesterday, I bought a soldering gun and went DIY crazy. I made a digital cable out of an USB cord and can't wait to try it out. So, in goes the A10 into spot vacated by the Parasound. Sounds ok, can't really do any serious comparisons since I am only used to the Parasound in my system. But, the A10 isn't sounding too bad but there are a lot of variables that are different in my system now... diy speaker cables... interconnects...