Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?

I have the Shure gauge, a Technics electronic gauge, and an AR gauge. I have seen many electronic gauges reviewed. Many of these are quite expensive. I would, however, consider one were there an advantage. What is the experience out there?
There was a time when pickups tracked at 5 or 6 grams. Yes, really! In those days the VTF could be set by a sensitive finger, and a nickle coin, which weighs exactly 5 grams. Put the nickle on your finger, then substitute the pickup. True story.
I am tracking my Ortofon SPU presently at 4 grams. None of my gauges goes beyond 3.5. Yes, I do remember 5 and 6 grams as well as tonearm that were quite substantial.
I bought an .01 scale here and have pretty happy with it. The Shure just got to be a PITA, and I'm lazy. And cheap, no way was I going to spend a couple of hundred!

Then I fine tune by ear.
Tbg...Is 4 grams what Ortofon recommends? Last time I was seriously interested in phono pickups 2.5 grams for some MC models was the highest. And they had to make apologies for this, saying that low stylus mass resulted in low wear despite the "high" VTF.
They recommend 3.5 grams,but Shindo Labs recommends 4 grams. When I get the modified cartridge, the tracking weight is to be 2.8 grams.