Magnnum Dynalab tuners sound quality

I have been having problems with reception of FM stations in the western NY area using my vintage Luxman Dou Beta 1045 reciever (circa 1984). Do I need to spend >$500 + for a magnum dynalab MD 90 to get clean good sound? Listening habits include Jazz & blues.
I recently purchased an MD90. A very smooth listenable piece with excellent sensitivity. A lot quality for the $$.
Fits nicely with the Audio Research equipment in the system.
I have never found a Magnum Dynalab tuner that could not be improved at least 30%, RF or audiowise; the exception is the MD-108. The early MD-102 used four IF filters vs. three in the later MD-90 and MD-100s, a worthwhile difference. The early Sim Audio "Moon" was the best MD tuner, using the basic MD-102 circuit board.
I think, most regular tuners sound horrible out there. And some old ones are dull. Magnum Dynalab offers some very good ones, I think, it is one of the rare companies, which try to get the best out of two worlds (pulling in stations A N D good sound ).
I used Naim 01, too, and then I got a MD 108, I use it with NOS Mullard tubes and this one fascinates since the day I bought it. The Naim went on sale same day.
Free music presentated in a musical way I thought it is not possible.