Do I need separate Hydra's for amp vs. source

Construction has started on our reno, including a dedicated audio room.

The 2 channel system will likely be a minimalist system e.g. just a digital source (most likely emm labs CDSD/DCC2) running directly into a hybrid amp (possibly Tenor 150Hps vs. Lamm M1.2's). The inital electrical plans specified having up to 6 dedicated lines with 10 gauge wiring/20A with separate grounds.

Yet, if I go with a PC such as the Shunyata Hydra's I am wondering whether I could plug all the components (e.g. transport, DAC/preamp, and amp) all into one Hydra (e.g. Hydra 8 or Hydra 6) or would that potentially stress the unit and degrade performance. That is, would it be preferred to plug the amp(s) into a separate Hydra ? and if I go with the monoblocks should each amp be in it's own Hydra or could you run the 2 from one Hydra 2 ? Perhaps, this is a stupid question and I cannot find consistency in reviewing the archives. Finally, if I can plug everything in a single Hydra, perhaps I don't need all of those dedicated circuits and we could simplify the electrical set-up ?
I use a Hydra 8 for my Digital and a Hydra 2 for my analog.
Both are in seperate dedicated circuits. Bid improvement overall.
Why not go with a machine that has two power cords from the unit and completely isolates the digital and analog {power} circutry. within the machine . The Audio Magic XXX is one such machine. No matter which way you go , even if its just dedictated lines, definetly seperate your digital power sources from your analog and power equipment. I have personally heard in various configurations how digital sources , when on the same circut as analog and/or power circuts collapse the soundstage.