Mr Clean Eraser for Stylus Cleaning

I recently tried the Mr Clean Magic Eraser (which thanks to Doug Deacon is another cheep-o break-through for analog from Audiogon forum members) and found it very effective. Previously I had only been giving a swipe with last stylus cleaner.
My question is this ... would the eraser be even better after wetting and compressing? I know many have warned against using it wet. But once wet and squeezed and dried again, the cleaned has a much greater density which seems better adapted to cleening the fine surface of the stylus.
has anyone tried using Mr Clean Magic Eraser for cleaning records? just a quick wipe...;-)
I tried using the MCME on an old 16" transcription disc that had one side that had no grooves. It was pristine before trying the MCME. After gently wiping in a circular pattern, there were thousand of micro scratches on the surface. I would strongly suggest NOT DOING IT.