My New Bel Canto DAC 2's just outta the box, and it certainly needs some break-in, but here's my initial reaction. All obsevations are meant to be comparisons with the DAC 1.1. Most importantly the DAC 2 significantly deepens the soundstage. I'd even go so far as saying that it's 30/40 percent deeper. Next, vocals both male and female, are clearer and a little more forward. It seems that the DAC 2 has lost some of the 1.1's liquidity and therefore is a little less musical. On the other hand the occasional muffling that the 1.1 is guilty of has disappeared. I'll get back after some significant break-in. Cheers.
My DAC is installed in the pre-amp, so in a way the powercord is going to the DAC. I'll update in another week or so.
I also have DAC 2, that is probably only half-burned in. It is more transparent than my former Theta IIIa. There is less texture or grain, although I never thought of the Theta this way. The bass has improved, and is quite good. Overall, the presentation is less upfront than the Theta, but I must point out that I tend to like things a little upfront. However, there is no contest in terms of information retrieval and cleanness -- The DAC 2 wins here. Until I try some other things, I must say that the DAC 2 is quite a fine sounding piece, and may stay in my system for some time.
Guys, hope you don't mind my posting just so I ca follow this thread.
A'gon, here's an idea:
How about allowing a thread to be flagged w/o having to post?