Just made my first 2 transactions on Audiogon

I am a newbie here and the quality of the people that I meet here is very high. So, after 5 months of studying I decided to go with Thule IA60B and Reynaud Twin MK3. I have already a good CD-player. And another transaction for a Nikko tuner is pending.

What I do not know is what cables should I look for. My budget is up to $200. I was thinking to SignalCables.

Thank you for any input
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Check out the link below.This place has a cable lending program via internet.Highly recommended way to find the best cable for the budget.

Cable Company
If your budget is $200 per cable,I strongly urge you to check out ELF Cables,they are a little more High end than Signal Cable.Try the MC14 mono crystal cables with a pair of his Expression mono crystal interconnect's.I believe the MC14's are $150 for an 8ft pair and the Expression's are $75 for a 1M pair.I have the Expression interconnect's,and some higher end ELF Silver Signature speaker cables,and I couln't be happier.
I will give yet another big thumbs for Discovery Cables!
Their NOS.. thats New Old Stock interconnects are fantastic value for the money...I have had cables costing 10 times as much from MIT and Transparent and feel they were every bit as musical. A great bargain!
Best of luck and happy listening,
Custom Audio LLC