Visit the Wonderful World of Analog Raul Style

OK, all regulars on this site know Raul. As some of you may remember, I suggested to Raul within a previous thread that he post pictures of the various tables, tonearms, and especially the large number of cartridges he has referenced over the past several months. I figured that such would provide a great resource for the vast majority of us who have never even seen, let alone heard, a number of the cartridges he mentions both favorably and critically. Some contacted me with encouragement, some with skepticism that I could pull it off, and some with skepticism that the cartridges existed. In short order, I heard from Raul, himself, and it became clear that he was not unwilling to share images of his treasure trove (and I mean treasure trove, literally) but, rather, did not know how to go about creating a forum to do so. As such, I agreed to create for Raul a dedicated webpage for their display, if he would send to me pictures. Well, to say that I was overwhelmed at what came my way was an understatement. I think you will agree.

I subsequently created the webpage, a link for which I provide below. No, it is not professional – I am not a professional web builder. Yes, it is LARGE and, yes, it will take awhile to load, depending on your connection speed. In any case, my advice is to be patient and wait for it to load completely. It is my hope that this will prove a fun and educative resource for us all. I would appreciate it if folks would bump this thread now and again so that others might have the opportunity to view the site and bookmark it for future enjoyment.

Above all, THANKS to you, Raul!!!

The Otherworldy Analog World of Raul
Dear Rosstaman: I like your whole audio system: great one !!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Bryan: I think that the ZYX next generation will be well at the top ( what I hear till today is not up to my priorities ). I have to wait for that before I have one on the long run.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Cmk: When I'm hearing to the Allaerts MC2 Finish, I really can't ask for anything more. Everything is right on target: tonal balance, neutral/natural flavor, great performance at both frecuency extremes, the music flow through your body and you feel full of emotions, it is a full performer for music lover's, etc.....

It is a very low output cartridge, so be carefully here. I tested with all my tonearms and till today the SME IV do an extraordinary match with it.

I love this cartridge, do justice to the music/sound reproduction.

Like a whole performer I don't know any cartridge that can evenn: maybe some ones are better in some music reproduction areas but anyone ( that I hear ) come really close like a whole performer.
I lke very much the Dynavector XV-1, the Colibri and the Transfigurations, all these cartridges are great but not like the MC2 Finish.

Now, the MC2 Finish is really close to my priorities and fits it very well, but your priorities or the priorities of other music lover's can be differents from mines.

Btw, I can't see how any people can't be in love with this Allaerts cartridge.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, a mind boggling collection of cartridges, probably the single largest collection in one place. I had a few of those in your collection, notably the Accuphase AC2 and the Goldbug Brier (gosh I miss them) but am sure they would be non functional, or semi dysfunctional, if I had kept them for today. So will you say those still work optimally in your case?

And for all your diatribe against the use of step-ups with MCs, permit me to raise one of my own: that no serious user of analogue will station his front end between the loudspeakers. But I'll not keep hammering at it.

All said, you get my complete respect for your dedication. You will next tell us about your vinyl library?