Transparent Ultra or Super?

I am wondering if anyone can help me decide if it is worth it to go straight to the Ultra XL cable from transparent audio, or start out with the Super XL. Price is not an issue here. I am curious if anyone has compared the two cables, and if so, what the differences are?

I have heard the Transparent music link plus cables, and they seem to have a bloated midrange "haze" in my opinion. Is this a trait of the Transparent line, or is it an interaction with my components?

I am running the following system:
Krell KAV 250CD
Krell pre-amp
Krell KSA 250 amplifier
Hales Revelation Three speakers
Audioquest Type 6+ speaker cables
Well Tempered Classic turntable
Benz Micro Glider 2 Cartridge
Acoustech PH-1P phono stage
Audioquest Ruby interconnects

Thanks in advance for any help!!

First of all - my experience has been that Transparent cables work best in an all-Transparent environment, rather than a mixed-brand environment. I don't think a mix of Transparent and Audioquest would sound good in your setup. I certainly did not care for such a combo in mine.

Secondly - I'm of the opinion that Transparent Super is the poorest value in the Transparent line. It's only marginally better than the Plus series, but is substantially more expensive. I would skip Super and go straight to Ultra.
I have had most of the transparent line in my system at one point or another and still have the Reference balanced and i use Super Bi-Wires for speaker cables,
You didnt meantion which you were interested and ive had many mixed pairs transparent/non-transparent in my system as well as i am sort of a cable junkie.

I dissagree slightly with Rex in that in my system AQ Python balanced wires sounded fantastic in my all transparent wired system.

In speaker cables i would have to say they are closer than i thought they would be as it was a money no object decision to keep the supers and not the ultras but there was better bass extension and a slightly darker background with the ultras but definately not significant and wayyy above the plus which i have also had in biwire.

In interconnects however the ultras were far superior to the supers in unbalanced

If youre doing balanced the only pairs i have had is super and Reference which of course, was no contest, however, AQ pythons were shockingly good wires
for the price in my system.

Hope this helps.
I agree with Rex, the line should really start with the ultra series, anything below that is not worth the money in my opinion.