Metronome Labs: can I get at least one post

telling me how ANY of their units sound and equally important when buying digital is the quality...did you know that digital players tend to go dead and/or skip...well its true...i can't find even 1 review anywhere... i have a hunch its a great product "can i get a witness"
My uncle just bought the CD-2V Signature. I listened to it this Easter Weekend and I loved it! The imaging just blew me away.
sounds like you'll just have to conveniently offer to help your uncle upgrade in 6 months by taking the cd2v 'off his hands' less a generous family discount...
thanks for the posts...all the METRONOME line seems to be of superior quality "built like a tank"...which in the digital realm counts very important (some labs are experiencing some causalities) ...i think if i had the money that i would not buy the CAPITOLE or the MEPHISTO...instead i would get one of the METRONOME line for less ($2K to $6K vs $8K) and with the savings upgrade my amp and /or speakers...and thus have a sound "almost" as good as the AA and AM...if not better...what'ya think?
Tweekerman, you seem to be confident that your strategy will work to your advantage. Spend the money on the amps/speakers and a little less by getting the Metronome and I'm sure you will be satisfied. Resale on CDP are crap anyways, so why not put a bit more of your hard earned $$$ into speakers or amps that will spend much more time in your system.
the point is that there is a limit i'm willing to spend on digital...i doubt that the CAPITOLE and MEPHISTO is a $4K better sound than the NOME's.2V..or do they Mr. Bwhite...