need help - Cd players

I'm thinking of getting a CD player in the range of $600 to $700.

I've been researching on what to buy but still no definite answer.
I've look at tubed-players (AMC, Jolida, Heart, AH! and Norh) and solid-states like Rotel 971 and NAD 541.

I can't auditioned much players as a local hifi shop does not carry most of them. The other hifi shop only stocks pioneer and yamaha brands. :-\

So I will have to decide based on suggestions and instinc. :)

If you have better suggestions, please reply to this thread.

Thank you in advance. :)

If you are willing to buy a used unit, then the Adcom GCD-750 is close to your price range. The GCD-750 is a fine unit. The only caveat I might offer is that Adcom has just recently been purchased by Klein Technologies, and the company's future hasn't been spelled out.
Someone is selling a gcd-750 right now (600?). They are excellent players. That or the sony 9000. I think I'd spend my cash on the sony to get the dvd and sacd playback.
Modded Stan Warren CD players are the best sounding machines that I've ever heard in this price range. Additionally, his modded players have many of the same sonic qualities that you get in $3000+ players (great imaging, sweet highs, low grain, relaxed and fluid sound, tunefull bass and detail retrieval).
I'd vote whole-heartedly for the AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000. For less than $600 you're really getting something very special. I have heard many many CD players (but not the Nohr or the Heart) in auditions recently and the Tjoeb can mix it with the best of them. Put decent warm tubes in it and you'll swear you were listening to a record player - it's that good.
Better suggestions can be given if you would post what is in your current system and any sonic errors it commits. All I can add is that the Rotel is better built than the AMC and NAD & is more reliable than the NAD.