Audience Powerchord - Better for Source or Amp ??

I have just added a Plinius 9200 to my starter system (see my "system" link) and was curious if any other Audience Powerchord owners found a noticeable difference between the powerchord's performance on a digital source v. amp. The Plinius is too new to truly evaluate, but I have the powerchord on it now.

If many have tried and found it better on digital sources, any suggestions for the Plinius in the sub $400 (used - why by new) range?

Fuuny I just posted a thread on the Audience Power cord. In my system the cord works equally well on all components.

Happy Listening.
i have them on my sony xa 777,vac pre-amp,moon amp. they sound superb! previously had synergistic master couplers on amp and pre-amp, and a classe on the front end.the audience give slightest bit more detail and air.
they will ALWAYS sound good on your amp though...