Need help from Wadia and ML CD player owners


I recently sold my all Sonic Frontiers which including cd transport, dac, preamp and power amplification and got myself a Krell FPB-300c. As of now i am missing a cd player.
I am looking for a cd player that has a volume control so that i can elimate a preamp. Try to elimate all the box units and have very simple audio system. Just a cd player, amp and speakers. So far i was looking at the Wadia 850 and the Mark Levinson 39. My price range is no more then 3500.00. Prefer used. I only audit the ML 390s but know it is somewhat different from the ML 39. Can someone help me out on this or give me some suggestion some other brand of cd players that has a volume control.

My current system
Krell FPB-300c
B&W Nautilus 803
MIT Oracle W4

I like the 390s and prefer its more dynamic sound versus the 39. The volume control is analog which is better than digital. There are a number of cd players with digital controls in your price range, many from mid-fi manufacturers, but I am not aware of other hi-end units besides the ones you mentioned. The 390s is a relatively new model, and it might be hard to get a used one for $3500.
The Wadia 850 is actually a lot closer in sound to the 860 than it is to the 830, so don't let the above post scare you off of an 850. It is an excellent machine and worth its price, but granted not quite as good as the 860/861. I would strongly recommend staying with Wadia over a Levinson 39.
If you could stretch a bit financially, I would highly recommend the Audio Aero Capitole. There is one for sale right now and I have not heard a better CD player.

It has tremendous output and a remote controlled volume. It will really improve the sound of your Krell.

Good Luck.
I have owned a Wadia 850 and currently own an 860x directly connected to a ARC VT-50. The 860x is a more refined and musical player than the 850 and has a much better transport and power supplies. I have heard a CD39 in my system as well and IMO liked the the 850 and 860x much better. I would recommend with the Wadia's that you adjust the internal dip switches accordingly and always run with a balanced connection. Good luck...
Find a used Resolution Audio CD 55 or 50
Better than the ML
Much better than the Wadia
I've owned all the above and the CD 50 is still my reference player ($1500 used)
I run it direct to my Lamm monoblocks via balanced Valhalla's
Still have yet to hear a better system