What is a fair price for a used Spacedeck ?

Hi guys,

I am in the process of buying a used spacedeck with OL Silver 250 arm. The spacedeck is the older version with shorter platter. The asking price is $1750. Is this a good price?

Should I go for a new spacedeck with the improved Ace- space arm for $2650 new or $2400 B-stock?


What are the differences in sound between the short and the tall platter. The seller prefer the short platter and claim the taller platter sound dead.

I have also hear another guy who owned both version and think the tall one is considerably better.

If you would please tell me your thought.

And what do you think about the price. I think it is a bit high consider the retail used to be $1500 for the spacedeck when he bought it.

I cannot tell you about fair pricing. That is up to you.

I owned Spacedecks with both platters and I found the taller platter version pretty much as your person described. Still very good, but less lively and musical. Contrary to what some might otherwise think, I found the shorter version better in the area of speed stability. Place a Boston Audio Mat 1 on the short platter and you're set. In addition, if you can get one with the Spacearm it will wholly outdo the 250, IMHO.