What am I doing wrong? Can't find right CD player.

Hope you all can help me out. Here's my system: Rotel 200 watts/channel stereo amp, McIntosh preamp, McIntosh LS350 speakers. Now the problem. Up until a few weeks ago was using a MCD 7008 McIntosh CD player. Typical Mac warm sounding easy on ears but not much clear definition in high end. So I went out and bought a Sony 555ES. Well high ends are sharp as is mid range but bass is lacking. Also, I suspect listener fatgue will be a problem with this unit. Isn't there a 5 disc CD player that is a happy medium between these 2 units? I am really frustrated. Any suggestions? ps - CD player budget is $1500 max. Thanks
I agree with Barrelchief on the CAL Audio CL-10 if you want a "one box" player, and Budrew when a CD changer is used only as a transport. I used a Sony CA9ES 5CD carosel player with an Adcom 600/700 DAC for several years and it was a very enjoyable combination.

Also, it seems apparent that you're "used to" the softer and relaxed sound of the McIntosh gear-- not a bad thing, but it sounds like you'd like a little more dynamic music? Good Luck. Craig
Another vote for CAL in general but agree with drubin that you really should finish burn-in and tweak the sony if you like what it IS doing so far. For me, power cable switches helped the bass on my player (ML390S) - I'll bet the Sony will strike a better balance with your system afterward too. Regardless, you can (hopefully) always use the power cord on your next one...

Good luck
thanks for all the responses. I like the term "dynamic" sound. that is what I am trying to get without brightness.