What is a fair price for a used Spacedeck ?

Hi guys,

I am in the process of buying a used spacedeck with OL Silver 250 arm. The spacedeck is the older version with shorter platter. The asking price is $1750. Is this a good price?

Should I go for a new spacedeck with the improved Ace- space arm for $2650 new or $2400 B-stock?


I would definately listen to gears before i buy. Unfortunately, I could find any in my area. The closet dealer is 10 hours away.

Fortunately, I am certain I will love what I hear regardless of tone arm I choose. Any combination will be a big step up from my VPI HW19 JR/AQ pt5.

I guess I just have to flip a coin then.
I have owned both Spacedecks. I can't say positively what 4yanx says is true. I have only heard the taller platter version with the Ace-Space, and this combination is a nice improvement over the original Spacedeck/Spacearm combo.

If you can get a B stock table with the Ace-Space for $2400.00 like you say, that would be the better bargain than the used one with the OL arm. I had that same arm on the Spacedeck, and even the original Spacearm is a better match for that table. And I think the new arm is better still.

Is this the spacedeck with taller platter?


The taller plater version is not the spacedeck with heavy kit, right?

If I understand correctly, the taller platter is just an updated platter for the latest spacedeck. If so, when did Nottingham change to taller platter?

