directional arrows on interconnects

Does it make a difference?other than both arrows in same direction...thanks
Most cables have the arrows aimed in the direction of signal flow. That is, the arrow points where the signal is going, not where it came from. In most cases, the arrow would point towards the preamp from the CD player or from the CD player to the DAC.

Having said that, a few cables are labeled just the opposite of this. As such, you might want to contact the manufacturer of the cables and / or post what specific cables they are. Someone that is familiar with that brand may be able to help you here. Sean
In most cases yes. The lines are designating one end of the cable be inserted into the source and the arrows point away to the preamp. The preamp cable arrows will point to the amp. etc. In my experience the correct orientation will sound best.
Both posts above are correct. For the layman like myself, plug the interconnect with the arrow always pointing towards the input of whatever component. Remember:arrow from output ---- to input.
Thanks..Kimber silver streak from CD source and Zu Cable oxyfuel from DAT source into integrated amp..Thanks