Jagger gets a real job, finally.

Not really. But I'd like to know if he thinks he deserves the remuneration he's enjoyed for the last 50 years. Notoriety, yes, celebrity ?, respect...for what? Okay, so market forces drive the value of what we love the most(other than our wives of course:). But should a monetary value be placed on music? Should money be included in it's intrinsic value? Should I receive accolades just because I came up with a catchy tune ? Do I deserve to be rewarded for loving music? Seriously. Granted, musicians need to be payed. I also have a day job. I get it that the economy must play it's role in delivering the product. But the kinds of profiteering by the industry and the players is obscene. Did Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky etc. miss out? What is a fair reward for what we've been listening to and what's been driving our hobby? IMO, it's notoriety. Honorable recognition is the highest reward one should aspire to as an artist. In the meantime, get a job! That's my position. I'm curious to know what you guys/gals think.
Let's not forget when these people are making their way up, they don't make squat. If it weren't for the rainbow at the end of the tunnel, there may be less artists striving to make it. Then there's the bottom line, which is the Stones are still filling up big venues.
Ambition doesn't require the promise of fabulous wealth. Everyone strives to make it up the ladder. My point is true artistry is always a labor of love. So if it weren't for the industry itself, artists wouldn't be any less inclined to practice their talents. Let's not limit their ability to do so but make it an attractive, well payed vocation to aspire to. An added bonus would be that we would no longer have to tolerate their inflated egos grown simultaneously along with their bank accounts. I can't count how many times I had the urge to gag myself watching some of these guys on stage doing a ridiculously washed out rendition of a song. By then they're convinced they are God's gift to the arts. It seems they are only actually really good when they are just starting out as unknowns.
Csontos if you want humor post something like this:

What's the difference between a Scotsman and a Rolling Stone?
A Rolling Stone says 'Hey you, get off of my cloud!'
while a Scotsman says 'Hey McLeod, get off of my ewe!'

Mateored, There are so many people questioning inequalities that you can't turn on the tv or radio without getting a steady stream of that sludge. I might be willing to listen to it if the people doing the questioning weren't rich and getting richer.