Reference Audio Lab Modified CEC TL1-X

Has anyone out there had their CEC TL-1X transport modified by Reference Audio Laboratories (RAM) out in California? A guy name Kern does it and it is pricey (1040.00). I really need to talk to someone who has personal experience with this before I consider taking the plunge........Thanks!
I would say you could find a better transport if you are thinking of upgrading. Maybe a Simaudio Moon Eclipse PLAYER. or Esoteric.
Deano, give Psychicanimal a holler or look up his answered threads under digital, he took his CEC / Parasound to a guy named Danny Boy and swears by it, you can tell him I sent ya.
Just so you know. Richard Kern of Audiomod does the
modification work, but the mod itself was designed
by Kyle at Reference Audio Mods. After Modification
the CEC can equal any transport out there. I have
compared the CEC to Sony, Teac, Levinson, Wadia,
PS Audio etc.