It's funny how records are still best.

With all the technology & new formats I find it funny how records are still the best way to listen to music. You can spend as much as you want on a CD player & A modest record player will almost always sound better.
Merganser and Czbbcl, I respect your opinions and decisions. Now, how about letting go of those LP's you have? Why would you want to keep them if you don't think they're worth listening to? Seriously.

BTW, I see this whole thread as a troll, a fun troll, but a troll none the less.

I agree reel tape sounds better than Records, but I was speaking about mass produced formats, not recording studio equipment. Basically anything that has been on shelves at record stores. You have to draw the line somewhere. I haven't seen a section at Tower Records for open real tapes.

"You can spend as much as you want on a CD player & A modest record player will almost always sound better."

Not in my experience.

My modest CD setup
Marantz CD67->Monarchy DIP classic->Monarchy 22A
beats my modest vinyl setup
Rega P3/RB300/Goldring1042->Audiolab 8000PPA

though I will admit that it is close, and the quality of recording and mastering is more of the final determinant of sound quality than whether it is a CD or LP I am listening to.

I have the same digital front. Marantz CD 67SE is a fairly decent player. But a proper set up Lenco blows away the Marantz and Monarchy. I had the stock Lenco arm and Shure V15 IV. It sounds rich and full. The Lenco does have some pop noise occasionally. Digital is quieter. But Lenco got all the music. Remind you Lenco can be bought for $50. I cannot comment on Rega P3, which I never had in my system, though it's a reputable entry-level player.

Analog requires patient and knowledge to get the most sound out of it. You need a RCM, and bunch of maintenance kit to keep belt, bearing, and cartridge in the top-notch condition.

Analog is not for everyone. But if you are the type of tweaker, join the dark side.
Mutex ... I clean my records, I setup my P3 very carefully. I have a good mirrored protractor, and I use the Shure stylus balance.

Do you have the monarchy DIP classic ? This is the single part of my digital chain that made the most improvement, showing that the CD67 has high jitter on the digital out. I started with the Marantz ... OK but lacking definition. I added the Monarchy 22A and got very little improvement. Then I added one of the original PLL based DIPs and suddenly the music became focussed and the CD player jumped level with the turntable. Substituting the newer DIP classic, which fully reclocks the data rather than using a PLL took the CD replay above the vinyl.

I enjoy both, and I wouldn't give up vinyl, particularly as used vinyl is cheap and widely available, but since getting the DIP classic I simply can longer say that vinyl is superior or even equal to CD in my system because it isn't.