Music Hall MMF-5 SE

I am looking at the rega 3 and the Music hall MMF- 5 SE as my first turntable. Suggestions???
The Rega P3 has an upgrade path re after market mods that you can follow and learn about turntables at the same time.You can do great things to the arm,upgrade the power supply,the platter etc.The table is pretty good stock too and is probably better than the Music Hall.
Both are good and the comments about the Rega are true. However, if one wants a modestly priced turnkey table with cartridge it is hard to do much better than a used MMF 5. In this price range I'd have to point out a new Technics SL1200 Mk 2 can be ordered for about 400 new plus shipping with warranty; excellent turntable for the money and easy to resell with not too much loss if you retain the original packaging and keep it in good shape.
I did not find any info on the Technics table ...
Would you say it is in the same league as the Rega and the music hall?
I need to add that I will be needing a phono preamp as well. Pre amp is the Pass X1 with the Pass X250 amp.
No, the Technics 1200 is not in the same league as the Rega and Music Hall. Not by a LONG shot.
