Wow, thanks for all the help. The arm seems to move in both directions freely, however I have never cleaned the capilleries so I'll give that a try. I'lll also double check the tracking force although I think it is o.k. as I just recently set this rig up and it was good then.
Cartridge may be an issue and I would love to upgrade it to either a blackbird, or maybe a celebration as I can't really afford at this time anything too esoteric.
I was once told that the dampning trough from ET was a good upgrade, any thoughts?
Again, I have heard this on other systems which could mean record wear. Yeouch!!! I'm hoping to take a few records down to my favorite shop and try them out on a HRX,12.5,Ebony setup and check the results!
Thanks again for your advice, I'll be sure to follow up.