Sputniks, I've beeen using the N.G.1 for sseveral months and find it's quite simple to use. I'm sure others might have more anal retentive cleaning procedures, but this works for me. If the record is covered in fuzz, hair, or dust when it comes from the used record store, I clean it first with a carbon fiber record brush. I don't buy records so dirty they need the preclean some people give their vinyl. It helps to dispense the cleaning fluid on the velvet "lips" of the machine if you can get a little lab type dispenser bottle that has a long snout. You wet each side of the velvet suction pads on the machine, put the record down, then plop the record clamp/puck on top. Turn the record relatively slowly for 15-60 seconds, then turn on the vacuum and continue turning slowly for 3-5 revolutions. Don't run the vacuum unless a record is on the machine, you can damage it otherwise. Repeat on the other side. Only rarely have I had to use a stonger cleaner than the Nitty Gritty. You might have to do a record more than once if it's really dirty. Don't clean too many records in a row (more than 8-10,) it can overheat the motor. Every once in while I clean the velvet lips with a little dishwasher detergent in water on a toothbrush & rinse. A search of the archives here with no doubt reveal endless debate on various minutae each of obsess over to different degrees when cleaning.