$6-7k to Spend on Turntable

Hi All,

My old Oracle Mark II I have had for years has developed a serious problem with the motor. It plays very fast then slow and anywhere in between. I've decided not to fix it but get a new unit. The arm mounted on it is an SME IV, which I have been very pleased with.

I don't have time to demo a bunch of setups, I'd just like to move ahead on a replacement as soon as I can firm up a good replacement. A few ideas I have come up with within my price range:

- Verdier Platine and mount my old SME IV
- VPI TNT Mk 6 and figure out how to mount my old arm or spend some extra and get the JMW 12.5 if it is an improvement over the SME

Or is there something else out there that I should be considering? I don't tend to follow a lot of the reviews. I usually buy something then use it for years.

Other gear is AR SP-8 and VT-200 driving some Final 0.4s


I think you should consider the SME turntables. The others listed about are all good choices. The SME 20 used falls right in you price range. That TT and your IV.Vi arm will likely outlast you. It's the perfect match for your arm. Good luck.
Why not buy an Oracle Delphi V? Certainly fit your price range and you know it'll accomodate a SME arm easily.
You may also want to look at a Galibier Quatro table. These are very well made tables that sound and look great. You may want to check out their website which is very informative. www.galibierdesigns.com
When you get whatever you decide, instead of dumping the Orackle, send it to me...
Thank you all for the responses. You've given me plenty to think about.

Seems this forum thinks very highly of the Teres decks. At your suggestion, I've sent an email off to Chris. In checking his website, seems there is a very significant wait time for new deliveries. Being a hobbyist woodworker, the wood does appeal to me, but not enough to wait two to three months for a new deck. I'm already going stir crazy!

Even though I have very much enjoyed the Oracle, I've found the company more miss than hit to deal with. I've never know from one month to the next if they are going to be in business. So I had sort of ruled out the Mark V.

The SME 20 that jfrech tossed out is definately on my used radar watch. I saw one on here several months back that I considered chasing, but at the time the ol' Oracle was still working.

You've given me some good suggestions. I think I'll spend some more time researching some of the brands I hadn't considered that you recommend: the Galibier, Acoustic Signature, Avid, Basis, and Scheu. Added to the VPI TNT 6 and Verdier, I have a good selection to choose from.

Regardless of the deck, you've convinced me to stay with the Mark IV. I'd also consider upgrading the cartridge if there were a noticeable improvement over my Grado Reference. I do need very high output with the SP-8.

Maybe in the meantime, something good will pop up in the classifieds.
