Volume Level

Hello GoNeRs,
Here I am with another question and hopefully like all the other tines you guy will lead me to the right direction.as i was listening to vinyl tonight and notice that my right speaker is louder then my left,but sound even on CD player. could this be the tube in my separate phono pre? or something else?..thanks guy
Could be the setting of the antiskate. Could be other things, but I have forgotten them. Good luck.
It could well be a tube in the phono pre- try switching the tubes from left to right etc and see if the imbalance changes.
Does this consistently happen on every record? It could be your cartridge alignment, tracking force, or antiskate as mentioned above. It could even be an issue with the cartidge itself. You may want to look at the documentation for your cartridge and arm to make sure everything is set up correctly. I should probably don my flame retardant suit before saying this, but this is one reason why I love having a preamp with balance controls.