VPI Scout Placement

I have been tinkering with my newly acquired VPI Scout and could use some advice... I have wood, carpeted floors and the slightest thump or walking across the room will send the stylus skipping. Unfortunately wall mounting is not an option due to space restrictions and room configuration. I have a Sanus rack for my other gear and I am sure that needs to be upgraded but I like the idea of having the TT near my listening position. Presently the TT is on a heavy wood coffee table. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated by this newby.
>>You can even go downstairs & install floor jacks underneath the ttable floor area.<<
Agreed. This is also an excellent recommendation.
Thanks for all the ideas. The chains and suspesion sounded kind of cool until the Mrs. looked over my shoulder at the thread. I have a crawl place so leveling is an issue as far as floor jacks are concerned. It seems I need to move into a more audio friendly house. The thought has crossed my mind more than once. It would seem that some sort of table or maple board would be more suited. Any experiences with acquiring or building something?
Hi there,

I think several posters have already described in some detail simple yet effective solutions for "acquiring or building something".

I would hazard a guess you already have in mind an image of what you want.

If not, reread the suggestions above. We don't get paid by the word, you know! :)
Faugusta,as much as I appreciate your input and the detail of your remedy for my isolation problem. I don't think my better half would appreciate my replacing her coffee table with two crates of records and a series of boards to lay across them. So once again I thank you but I am more interested in the solutions offered by the other contributors who speak of isolation boards and their recommendations for this project. Feel free to bypass my request s for knowledgable input in the future as I would not dream of having you waste your precious words:)
Don't give it a second thought ol' boy. My time is plentiful and my words cheap ;)

Ready made-look at the Gingko Cloud. They have supports custom sized for the Scout. Further, Harry Weisfield fully endorses their products. That's not something he does often. The critics seem to agree with Harry, if you follow the mags. They have several pricing options, apparently even the least expnsive "mini cloud" offers excellent isolation. They look good, too.