How good are the Sony 9000es mods.?

I may trade for 9000es to put in a second system and wanted to hear from anyone who had one monified.
I am thinking of getting my 9000 modded too. What level of mod gives the most bang for the buck? Are the Audiocom super regulators worth it? Anybody with a Modwright level 2 or 3 out there? Did you get the Bybee's? Are they any good? Does the 9000 need a clock upgrade? Who makes it? Can you put the Superclock into the 9000? Or just the 777? ETC.
Have you cheked out the EVS wabsite? Do some reading. I talked with Rick today,very nice guy.
First of all, Stan lost my player. After my player was 2 weeks late from its planned arrival time, and when I called stan to check on it, and guess what? Ol' Stan forgot who I was altogether. I had called him 3 times a week before sometimes talking for an hour or more before he so called shipped my player. After he remember my name, he said that he had to so called "go though some of his tags to find the problem then he would called me back, When Stan called me back, he informed me that he sent my player to a guy in Washington. Damm!? Humm? makes you wonder doesn't it. When I got it back, it wouldn't read a disk properly. Sometimes it would, and sometimes it would not. What I'm try to say is, ol' Stan screwed up my brand-new unit, and the warranty is viod now because he opened it and tampered with it. Stan tried to blame it on UPS, that was a lye. I had it looked at by a pro tech, and he confirmed that Ol Stan screwed it up. When I can get it to play, it really not that great. His mod really didn't make that much difference. It's not worth the risk. If I had to do it over, I would choose Robert at . A friend of mine got one of his mods, and it's really good. Plus, he'll stand behind his work. is very good too. At least these guys have an email address and a website.