Home Depot Power Cord?

Hello, we all heard about the success with Home Depot's electrical extension cord used by DIY's for speaker wire.
Has any one tried to make a power cord with it?
I would assume that the lower the guage the better the performance, so if one selects a 7 guage extension cord it should be pretty good for low capacitance and open sound with wide sounstage.
Vvrinc, I'm glad you like them. I've had mine in the system for months now and like them better all the time. No, I haven't experimented with other than the 14 gauge HD cables (I've already got a closet full of cables and really don't need any more!). If I did, I'd try the 16 gauge first, since I've always been most impressed with the thinner rather thicker gauge wire in my system. And frankly, I put spades on mine because they're easier to connect, not because they necessarily sound better. Dave
The smaller the awg number the bigger the wire. The bigger the wire the less resistance it has. Less resistance is considered desirable when building speaker wire. While Home depot is OK you can buy Belden twisted pair in 10 12 or 14 awg. Its cheaper (.51 ft or less)and works just as well. However the jacket is grey not orange :)
I understand that bigger wire is "considered desirable" by some. I have simply found in my own system that this is not the case. I haven't tried the Belden but did try other "generic" wire and found the HD-14 to sound better to me. At less than 20 dollars for 50 feet, the HD-14 is as much of a bargain as I need. But as they say, YMMV.
I recently wanted to install a couple of rear speakers in a home theatre system and did not want to run speaker wire around, up, and over the room. So, and in an effort to economize, I bought the Home Depot cord and ran it down through the floor behind the amp, through my crawl space, and then up through the floor near the speakers. Works great.

I recently built one of the Lenco turntable projects with my son and we used the Carol cord, as mentioned by Vegasears, and terminated with a Levition industrial-grade plug. Very nice, indeed.