....that is my question. I have a Micromega Stage 1 CD player. I just read, in Stereophile, the review of the Musical Fidelity DAC. Add on a DAC, such as this, or upgrade my entire CD player? Which is the most cost effective way to go? It seems that this DAC, if it is cut out to be what it's supposed to be, is the way to go. Feedback about DACS, in general, would be appreciated.
A good transport + good DAC is likely more expensive than a good single box player, and you need an extra cable. But the 2 box system is more flexible, ie as new and better DACs come out you just need a new DAC rather than both. I use a ML 37 transport (and expect to have it for years) with a ML 360S DAC that is "software" up-gradable in the field, ie lot's of versatility. Still, the ML 39/390S (CD player) has the temptation of simplicity. The same kind of logic applies to amp and pre-amp vs integrated. Cheers. CRaig
Micromega has a nice transport and some good DAC can bring more music than the CD player as whole. I've never tried Music Fidelity DAC, but you can shop arround used CAL or EAD DSP7000(the one I have). EAD DSP7000 is available at measurable prices here on audiogon and deserves the best respect about built quality and performance.
While I have not heard the Micromega Stage I, I have owned 2 Micromega (Duo BS2 and Microdac) dacs for years. About 1 and 1/2 years ago I got the upgrade bug and since then I have bought three 24/96 dacs (MSB, Bel Canto and Art DI/O) and one 18 bit dac (Cal Sigma). All 4 had more detail than the aging Micromegas, but none of them was more muscially satisfying to listen to. All of them introduced some form of electronic coloration to the sound that was not there with the Micromega. If you like the sound of the Micromega, to find something that betters it is going to cost alot. I haven't heard the Muscial Fidelity, but would not buy one w/o a right of return.
I've never listened via an external dac. Therefore, of course I do not believe one needs the expense of an external dac. If the opposite were true I'd own one and my opinion would be different. :)

In all seriousness, I agree with the poster above that if you put your money into one appropriate cd player, then you probably have just as good or maybe even better with less clutter and cabling.