The Ace Space tonearm is quieter and tracks better than the JMW-9 which is flawed by design. The lack of anti-skating adjustment, despite Harry's protestations, prevents the arm from tracking properly. For grins and giggles, try a JMW-9 on the last track (the anti-skating torture track) on the Hi Fi test record and you'll see what I mean. Most high quality reference systems do NOT use VPI arms; comparably priced Schroeders, Grahams, and Tri Planars are the way to go IMO.
The Ace Space tonearm is quieter and tracks better than the JMW-9 which is flawed by design. The lack of anti-skating adjustment, despite Harry's protestations, prevents the arm from tracking properly. For grins and giggles, try a JMW-9 on the last track (the anti-skating torture track) on the Hi Fi test record and you'll see what I mean. Most high quality reference systems do NOT use VPI arms; comparably priced Schroeders, Grahams, and Tri Planars are the way to go IMO.