Should I sell Classe CP60 and get a phono stage ?

I am combining my HT and music system, my wife told me to clear out the music system from the living room. I am getting a Anthem AVM-20, it has a bypass mode. I also have a Classe CP60 with a phono board. I could sell the Classe and get a high gain mc phono stage and use the AVM-20 or I could keep the Classe and use it HT direct input.
What do you think would be best?
Ken is correct about how to run the FR & FL outputs from the SSP/receiver into the L/R input jacks of his two channel preamp.

Ken, I am wondering though, why you would want your SSP to process your cd player and turntable? It would seem to me that this would only serve to degrade the signal.
I used the CP-60's SSP input regularly, it was an easy fix for combining a HT system with a stereo system. I never used the SSP output, nor did I ever think of a reason that I would have wanted to use it.

John as I wrote I haven't used the feature to process my cd player or my turntable. I suppose that one may want to try one of the surround dsp modes just for fun.
Thanks, I bought a pre-amp, and plan on running it through the tape loop for movies and surround. I think that I am going to connect my sub via both speaker and LFE input as well. Once again, thanks for everyones help.