is2e or is2 transport.. what is available?

Hi all,

As some may notice reading threads here, I just purchased an SFD-MKIII Dac, and would love to have a transport which used the is2 or is2e output. I am assuming (rightly/wrongly?) that my is2e input will accept data from an is2 transport. I suppose I should call SF for that.

Assuming I am not limited to an SF transport, what other transports come to mind. I have nothing against the SF transport - I have just spent way too much money lately on audio gear.

Ag insider logo xs@2xakimball
Please check this. I am not completely sure I am correct here, but I believe the Muse 8 or 9(with output board), and the Camelot roundtable have this is2 connection...
I think (NOT SURE) that Audio Alchemy used it as well. Be careful as I am not sure that these manufacturers products are compatible even though they may appear to use the same format (the hot pin location may vary?).I am sorry that I can't give you more concrete advise, other than to use caution and not assume compatibility.
In addition to SF, Camelot, and Muse, look for a used Audio Alchemy DDSPro. Great machine.