Power cable suggestion for Classe CA300

Hello, does anyone have a power cable suggestion for a CLASSE CA300 power amp ? I would appreciate comparative comments between different pc's if any.I like neutral sound but wide/deep soundstage.Classe is fine with the stock power cord but I still want more if there is. Thanks in advance.
Although I am a broken record on the topic, please try Lloyd Walker's SST contact enhancer on any power cord you end up selecting, and you should look forward to hearing more of what your amp is designed to deliver. Admittedly, I have not heard your particular amp, but this stuff hasn't failed yet on multiple power cords with multiple components.
Disclosure: I did originally purchase after meeting Lloyd Walker at the NYC Stereophile Home Entertainment Show, where his hypnotic personality resulted in my purchasing seventeen jars, and becoming a tireless booster. No, not really :>)
I like the PS Audio Extreme Statement on my CA 200, improved the entire frequency range.
If you don't have a dedicated line for your Classe amp I would consider that first before a power cord upgrade.