Help with cartridge selection

I just got a good deal on a VPI scout. My question is what ia a good choice for this unit. it has the #9 tone arm.
i'm looking to spend no more then $800.00
i have a new shure V15vmr that is still in the box.would this be a good choice???
i can run a MM or a MC
Thanks for your help.....
If you can run a low output MC I would recommend a Dynavector 17D2 MkII Karat. In my opinion this is a very good cartridge for the money. In the Dynavector line I think its where the sound starts getting really good and is a noticeable improvement over the 20XL. Its a dynamic and neutral cartridge.
I agree with the recommendation on the 17D2 MkII Karat; you might also try the Sumiko Blackbird but don't spend your life savings on a cartridge. The JMW-9 limits what you can use.
At the $800 price point, there are several good recommendations above. However, if I were going to buy an $800 cartridge today (assuming MSRP), the choice would be a simple one: Shelter 501 Mk2. Really outstanding performance for the money.
The Shelter 501 is a nice cartridge but not particularly well suited to unipivot tonearms and the JMW-9 is no exception. The Sumikos, Shures, Dynavectors, Benz Micros, and Cartridge Man Music Maker 3 are all better matches.
Depends on the unipivot in question as to whether the Shelter 501MkII is a good match, though I've never heard one on a 9. Lots of good audiofeil cartidges to choose from, Cobra. Maybe try the Shure and see what you like or don't regarding its performance and go from there in terms of seeking suggestions.