CD Player Recommendation

I know this has been done to death, but help if you can. I am downsizing to a one box CD player from seperates. My budget is $1800. I can't stretch any further and I am buying used. I am interested in any opinions on upsampling Cd players among others and I'm wondering if anyone other than a dealer has heard the Shanling player. I am definitely not interested in SACD or DVD Audio. To help here is my system:
Air Tight ATC-1 Preamp
c-j Premiere 11a amp
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers (originals)
various wire.
Thank you all in advance for your help.
The ARC CD2 makes magic in my system and there is one listed new today for $1400 bucks. They normaly bring $1500 to $1800. It is hard to imagine beating it for that sort of cash. It has harmonic richness, presentation of space, and transparent quality that I have never experienced from CD before. I had a CD1, which was great but was a bit too warm and romantic with the rest of my gear.
How about a used Sony 777es SACD/cd player? The capabilities of this unit are equally good with SACD as CD. I have the SCD-1 and the 777es is supposed to be about equal except is has no digital out I believe.

I have listened to the ARC CD2 and CD1, my two favorite CD players at any price. If I had your budget, I would try to get a CD2.
If you can hold out for 2-3 months, I would because:

This will retail for $3k, but as always, one or two 'goners will buy new early on and for whatever reason sell shortly thereafter.

Based on the numbers alone, this unit could easily render all other "redbook" equipment obsolete. 5.6 mHz!