Any Warp correction LP services available ?

I am aware that there is a record warp flattening system being marketed for about two thousand bucks.I've tried to get my "El Cheapo" audio pals to chip in for it,so we can all benefit,with the occassional warped "Rare Gem" that can be so difficult to replace in perfect shape.No such luck!They'd rather spend 300 bucks for a signed copy of Ida Haendl doing the Sibelius!!

Does anyone know of a reliable "vendor" that might offer a per LP service,to have this done to our beloved,yet slightly warped records.I,for one, would love to see this offered by people like Accoustic Sounds,or The Elusive Disc.

How about it?
Sorry Sirspeedy, no relief from the heat here. I'm in Texas and right now, although we are nearing the midnight hour, it's still 83 degrees.

By the way, the LP flattener is a product of the Air Tight people, the guys that built my cool ATM-3 mono blocks.
There's also another product from Clearaudio -- probably selling at Clearaudio prices.
Just put the warped lp on the window sill under a phone book and pop a beer.
That is the Dallas way.
G_m_c, that might work. I remember as a child leaving a record in the back of my fathers car for an afternoon. It looked like wavy potato chip when I retrieved it.