Quattro Fil vs Valhalla

Anyone out there been through this comparison? Valhalla is super smooth on my system, to the point of being a tad syrupy perhaps - (early days yet). The Quattro Fil is clean and transparent, but leaner on the bass side. It has a certain edge that Valhalla smooths over (I think) and possibly sounds prettier, but Valhalla is more full bodied and has a lot more detail in the lower end. Which way would you jump? Using it to connect Densen CD to Densen Int amp. Using Red Dawn speaker cable and Vishnu power leads.
Buy or try the Kubala-Sosna "Emotion " much better in all areas. They have a 30 day free trial truly amazing in every way. I had the Valhalla and found them bloated in the mids.
hope this helps.
Valhalla is better to my ears than the Quattro Fil in precisely the areas you mentioned--basically, it's a little less lean sounding overall, which I view as a good thing. That's why I replaced a run of QF with the Valhalla. Ultimately, though, it still wasn't my cup of tea, being too lean and slightly dynamically compressed compared to Siltech and NBS Omega in my system--there are others, though, who would disagree, as the Valhalla is highly regarded and many people like its sonic signature. Great carrying case, though, I gotta admit!!!!