How's my imaging?


I'm just wondering if my imaging is what it should be, let me explain. When I'm sitting in my listening chair (which is positioned at the apex of where my front speakers would meet since they are toed in), I'm hearing the voices right (directly) in front of me. But instead of being at head level, they are about one to two feet above where my ears are sitting straight up. (Please see my system to get a visiual, under - man cave system) If you pull up the picture of my room, the voices would be coming from the area where the stars on the flag are.

My question is, is this correct imaging or should the voices be lower? If the voices should be lower, what kinds of things could I try to correct it?


I think the only thing you can do is try a closer (maybe 1 ft closer) listening position. It may help a bit, probably not much though. If it alleviates some of the problem, I suspect the compromise will be you'll lose some energy.

I'm pretty confident you're dealing with a skewed polar response which isn't too uncommon. Polar response is an amplitude measurement in the vertical plain of the speaker and is related to the transfer function of the crossover, driver placement in the vertical plain and driver offset. Polar response aberrations can be further exasperated by using 1st order networks and having one of the drivers wired internally out of phase.

In light of this, one other thing you might try if you're handy with simple mods is take the driver of the baffle and see if any are wired out of phase. With some of the Klipsch, if I remember correctly, you're likely to find at least one driver connected out of phase. Reverse the leads to correct polarity, put it all back together and give it a listen. Usually, when a driver(s) are wired internally out of phase, it's done to correct another problem such as frequency response so you may find yourself making some trade offs to sound quality.

Some speakers just seem to provide a higher soundstage for vocals. My Aerial 10t's also will bring the vocals a bit higher than I anticipate. I've been told that is their nature. And it's done this in two separate and completely different rooms.

One thing you might consider doing though is pulling those speakers out about 5 feet from the back wall and toe them in a bit using a tape measure to align them, and then give it a good listen for a day or two. This may eliminate your concern or it may help you to forget all about it.

Vman, I honestly can't remember a speaker that I've ever owned that didn't image at or near the height that your describing. If you want imaging to be believable I would think your height should be right where it's at. Speakers that throw a lower image and soundstage, to me, don't seem near as realistic. Happy listening
This is a good thing. All images should have width, depth, AND height. An image that is constrained within the speaker's height is a result of a rolled-off high frequency response (unless it is a tall dipole). A well set-up sytem will normally have images coming from above the speakers. This indicates good vertical treble dispersion. Also, you'll find that the higher your ceilings, the taller your images will be. Relax and enjoy it.
Stereophile test CD-3 (track #10) is a great test of your system imaging as this is what it is designed to do. All of the Stereophile test cd's are interesting and have many uses.
