Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...

Hey guy thanks for checking this thread, I need direction, and well have very little(or maybe no knowledge) on what kind of analog setup I need... Currently I play with my cheap setup that I got for next to nothing, and really like the potential of some of the albums I have over the Cd's...

#1- I listen to primarily Rock, a little jazz oriented stuff... Everything from Bowie/Pink floyd, to Pantera/Jane's Addiction Kinda thing.

#2- My current setup Includes an AR (the Ar turntable, basically an ES1)with the Original Tone arm(and wireing), Cables, etc.. with an old Shure V15 cartridge.. A cambridge audio MM phono stage(only 99.00 bucks 2005 version) which is I believe a 3 volt maybe 33-36db gain, and it is not enough to tell you the truth, running into a 2 channel Solid state pre-amp, with Very decent results, very quiet very tunefull and with some recordings excellent Visceral impact and presence...

#3- Now I like to say I have a very State of the art Digital front end, a Wadia Digimaster Player, which is the best I have Heard to date, vs. many Universals with HDCD, and SACD, AND DVD-A as well as many Standard CD players, I love the Wadia in the end with Straight Good Old CD's, nothing fancy... This CD player of course plays much more Impactfully and very, very smooth, 3D, Deep, And all the other Audiophile words you can come up with. But an Annoying CD sometimes is Just an Annoying CD in the end, And I like what some Vinyl can do with that problem, just a different flavor you know?

#3- My attempt is not to get the absolute best, or even beat out the Wadia in the end, Now remember I listen to a lot of Rock, not classical so Yes CD does have a little place with Rock sometimes for that 1st Row dynamic that Vinyl may not all the time, and I understand that. I also understand many of these recording are just crap. But not the debate I am looking for.

#4- I would like to know what is the best package for the money to go after for my overall taste..
-- #1- purchase USED I think would be for the PHONO pre...Now I do not know that an MM or MC will be best for me, All I do know is that MM is a little Higher output from the Getgo, and needs a little less gain from the phono pre than the equivelant MC, thats it, I am open to all suggestions for resonable used priceing, I am not sure I really Want to add ONE "TUBE" piece of equipment to my system But if it is the one that gets the job done So be it. Lets not get to concerned of priceing, I would like to budget of course as cheap as possible but I am realistic, so if its 300 used or 3000.00 I want to know what brands and things will get me where I need to be.

-- #2- purchase Probably this VPI 16.5 Cleaner? I know that I have Cleaned many of the albums By Hand and Treated them with Grove Glide, I don't know that this is good or not, but it was cheap and Fairly effective to be honest, very quiet I rarely hear a little Fizzle or pop.

-- #3 Purchase ?? Replace Cartridge and Tone arm Cable/or entire tonearm?

--- Or just buy an entire package setup from Like VPI and call it a day? This will all be after I hear the AR with the new Phono PRe and see how far that gets us, then I will dip into the Table upgrades or Complete package change.

I know guys this is maybe a little vague and I apologize, but I just don't know if I need to go as far as a 2000.00 Table and tonearm or if I can do pretty good with the AR which is near Mint, and a few Hundred in upgrades to do pretty well for the type of music I am running, I do not want to purchase a Classical music table just because it is far more noticeable with that kind of stuff, As I see mostly things like the scoutmaster and that Come with MC Cartridge and is for the more Classical crowd, although I am sure can play anything with excellent results.

Thanks for the help, I am sure you guys can save me much experimentation and cost from the experiance on this board.

Ps. I have read many threads trying to pin down some of my answers but as you know the situations and type of music is different with each recomendation.

Hmm, Psychicanimal Looks interesting, first Direct drive recommendation, What cartridge and phono amp would be suggested for this type setup? Thanks
I use a Monolithic PS-1 w/ outboard dual mono power supply and the KAB modded Stanton Groovemaster. It has the midrange of a $1500 moving coil cartridge. Works for me.

I have installed the fluid damper and outboard power supply. I bought the strobe disabler but haven't installed it yet.


I feel your pain--you want satisfying vinyl playback while wanting to spend as little as possible. But what is "satisfying"? Only you can decide, and you can only decide after listening to a range of systems. If there's no local dealer carrying a range of vinyl playback systems, then it would be well worth the cost of a trip to the Big City to find one.

But maybe you live waaay out in the sticks (I used to live there). Here's my recommendations:
turntable: a good plug and play turntable is a Rega P25 (750 or so)
cartridge: lots of choices here, an interesting one might be a Denon 103 series cartridge. Haven't heard it personally, but it's supposed to be a killer cart (200 or so).
phono pre: i've had good luck with the monolithic psychicanimal mentioned (i don't think you'll need the expensive seperate power supply at this point). Other possibilities include used lehmann black cubes and musical surroundings phonomena (300-400).
Cleaning: you're smart to think about clean vinyl. If you're going to be cleaning 100's of lps, then a vpi or nitty gritty is the way to go. But if you're content to clean only a handful at a time, have the time and some spare elbow grease, then you can save money and get similar results (in my experience) doing it by hand using Disc Doctor products and procedures.

I think you should take the plunge. Who knows, the Wadia might start gathering dust. If you do bite the bullet, make sure to report back what you did and how you like it. I'm sure there are a lot of others out there in your current position who would benefit from you experience.

Good luck and have fun.
I use to own an AR Table a long while back,and I had many modifications performed on it by George Merrill of
Merrill Audio.I'm not sure if he still does the mod work on the Turntables anymore.You can try to find him on the web,and if he doesn't do it anymore maybe he can recommend someone.I had my platter replaced,motor replaced,subchassic
reworked,outer ring clamp installed.Plus I did additional mods to it myself to make it sound even better.
This Table has the potential to sound very nice indeed.With your 38 db gain in the phono stage you wouldn't get sufficient output even at 2.5Mv. which is a medium high output cartridge which some may classify as high output.
You would need a step up transformer to be able to use more a variety of cartridges.A High output Grado Wood with 5Mv output would work or the Prestidge Gold.But they tend to hum on the AR Table,and the motor would need additional shielding for it too probably work.