Any opinions on Copland CDA 289 CD player?

I'm thinking about buying one, looking for any experiences folks have had in the field.
Copland 289 player....excellent unit...heard it many various systems...pretty good with jazz...and vocals...excellent dynamic shading that lets you hear voice inflection and changes in emotion...BUT...I fond that it does less well with large scale classical sounding sightly electronic...should this make you run away from it?? not at all...I would recommend it should be on most peoples' short lists...good luck
I'm a fan of the Copland gear in general. I own a Copland 266 model (2K). It is very well made, looks beautiful, works flawlessly, and sounds great to these ears. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the Copland stuff, and I have heard wonderful things about the 289. Go for it!
I've had this unit for 8-months now. Compared it to Cary 303 at time of purchase. I prefered the COPLAND in sound and certainly in looks. This unit is much larger than Cary CD players. Don't own a HDCD, therefore, never saw the HDCD LED light go on.