SACD or DVD Audio, which one is winning the race?

Before I invest in either SACD or DVD Audio equipment and softwares, I'd like to know if a trend has been set in the race, and if so, which format is winning the race.

Oh, no! Here we go again... I do not mean to imply any offense, but PLEASE read the archives.
What I've been seeing here is mostly opinions; but what I really want to know is if anyone has gotten any info, a real market info, as to which format is winning at this particular time and at approximately what margin, preferably in percentage or ratio. Opinions do help but I want a real objective market trend 'cause I'm more interested in knowing the chances of survival of these formats than their respective qualities.
Why pick sides? Go with both using low cost equipment until the dust settles. Even a low cost DVD-A gets you 24bit 96Khz, which in practice seems as good as the SACD DSD coding. (Actually in either case the sound quality depends mostly on how the disc was mastered). For one thing, at the present time you need access to both catalogs of media.