I look forward to reading the comments of people who have actually heard the piece. In the meantime I did a little research about the transport mechanism. It is Nakamichi's 'Music Bank' system. If you have a dealer that carries any of Nak's stuff you can go and see one of their changers and get a pretty good idea of how it works. It received discs like a car stereo does, and sorts the discs out on its own inside the mechanism. it is faster and a bit different than an internal magazine. It is really pretty smooth. The thing i have never liked about changers that keep the CD's inside (as opposed to a carousel thay you can pull out and see the discs) is that you can't see the discs.
I offerred this to keep the thread going; I really do hope to hear some audition reports though. My local dealer says they are not getting one anytime soon so for now I will have to rely on the testimony of others. Unfortunately my dealer is more home theatre oriented.